Susana Valdez

List of John Benjamins publications for which Susana Valdez plays a role.

Torres-Simón, Ester, Susana Valdez, Hanna Pięta and Rita Menezes 2023 Is indirect translation a friend or a foe of sustainable development? Pivot subtitlers’ perspectiveIndirect Translation and Sustainable Development, Buts, Jan, Hanna Pięta, Laura Ivaska and James Hadley (eds.), pp. 204–230 | Article
This article addresses the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) through the lens of pivot template subtitling, a practice deemed logistically efficient by some and ethically suspicious by others. Drawing on (i) a critical review of 29 European codes of… read more
Valdez, Susana, Hanna Pięta, Ester Torres-Simón and Rita Menezes 2023 Subtitlers’ beliefs about pivot templates: What do they tell us about language hierarchies and translation quality in streaming service platforms?Audiovisual translation in the age of streaming, Choi, Jinsil, Kyung Hye Kim and Jonathan Evans (eds.), pp. 426–454 | Article
Streaming service platforms are said to increase worldwide access to peripheral languages, often via the use of pivot templates. To shed light on how pivot subtitling practices impact language hierarchies and translation quality, we report on the results of an online questionnaire completed by… read more
Machine Translation (MT), the process by which a computer engine such as Google Translate or Bing automatically translates a text from one language into another without any human involvement, is increasingly used in professional, institutional and everyday contexts for a wide range of purposes.… read more
This paper explores decision-making in translation focusing on the self-revision process of novice and experienced translators of biomedical content in the English to European Portuguese language pair. Adopting process- and product-oriented methods, an experiment was designed to study thirty… read more