Inés Olza

List of John Benjamins publications for which Inés Olza plays a role.

Olza, Inés, Veronika Koller, Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Paula Pérez-Sobrino and Elena Semino 2021 The #ReframeCovid initiative: From Twitter to society via metaphorMetaphor and the Social World 11:1, pp. 98–120 | Article
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments, health agencies, public institutions and the media around the world have made use of metaphors to talk about the virus, its effects and the measures needed to reduce its spread. Dominant among these metaphors have been war metaphors (e.g.… read more
A set of phraseological units that convey disagreement in Spanish, English and Norwegian teenage language are observed from three perspectives in this paper: the phraseological, the pragmatic-discursive and the contrastive perspective. The underlying assumption of the analysis is that the… read more
Valenzuela, Javier, Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas, Inés Olza and Daniel Alcaraz Carrión 2020 Gesturing in the wild: Evidence for a flexible mental timelineReview of Cognitive Linguistics 18:2, pp. 289–315 | Article
Psycholinguistic evidence shows that spatial domains are automatically activated when processing temporal expressions. Speakers conceptualize time as a straight line deployed along different axes (mostly sagittal, though also vertical). The use of the lateral axis, which cannot be lexicalized in… read more