Rania Karachaliou
List of John Benjamins publications for which Rania Karachaliou plays a role.
Excluding the migrant other via resistance and inclusion: The case of the Greek anti-racist short film Jafar Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 In the present study, I investigate the construction of otherness in the Greek anti-racist short film Jafar. Drawing on Critical Discourse Studies, I argue that although the film appears to combat racism, it simultaneously reproduces practices of discrimination. This contradiction is achieved… read more
Chapter 2. Racist discourses of discrimination and assimilation in an antiracist corpus Exploring the Ambivalence of Liquid Racism: In between antiracist and racist discourse, Archakis, Argiris and Villy Tsakona (eds.), pp. 41–70 | Chapter
2024 Racist views against migrants are not only disseminated via hate speech, which overtly demonizes the ‘foreigners’, but also via antiracist discourse, which, although designed to fight racism, may end up reproducing inequalities. This ambiguity is captured in the concept of liquid racism (Weaver… read more
Liquid racism in the Greek anti-racist campaign #StopMindBorders Discourses of aggression in Greek digitally-mediated communication, Hatzidaki, Ourania and Ioannis E. Saridakis (eds.), pp. 232–261 | Article
2020 This study examines the opaque reproduction of racism in an online, anti-racist campaign officially aiming to denounce hate speech and challenge widespread stereotypes concerning migrants. In particular, we investigate the video clips of the #StopMindBorders campaign launched by the Greek branch… read more
Chapter 2. Reactions to jab lines in conversational storytelling The Dynamics of Interactional Humor: Creating and negotiating humor in everyday encounters, Tsakona, Villy and Jan Chovanec (eds.), pp. 29–56 | Chapter
2018 The aim of this paper is to explore the multiple ways interlocutors negotiate humor in a conversational narrative. In particular, we examine the methodic strategies story recipients employ to respond to jab lines, namely humorous parts of the story that include a script opposition (Attardo, 2001a).… read more
Identity construction patterns via swearing: Evidence from Greek teenage storytelling Pragmatics and Society 6:3, pp. 421–443 | Article
2015 In this paper we analyze the use of swearwords in Greek teenage storytelling. Our research is based on the analysis of conversational narratives that occurred in two conversations between male adolescents who belong to different social groups. Our analysis shows that the use of swearing in the… read more