Binhua Wang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Binhua Wang plays a role.


ISSN 0521-9744 | E-ISSN 1569-9668
ISSN 1598-7647 | E-ISSN 2451-909X
This article examines the repatriated self-translation of a historical monograph, The Fifteenth Year of Wan-li, by the migrant Chinese-American historian Ray Huang from his English manuscript 1587, a Year of No Significance. Through an archival analysis of the process of self-translation and… read more
While there have been recent calls for an “outward turn” in (written) translation studies, interpreting researchers have mostly taken an inward-looking view of interpreting and investigated it as a semi-closed system and an arguably self-interested practice from within, despite the fact that… read more
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to the booming of remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI), which poses new cognitive challenges for interpreters. This study explores how interpreters adapt to these challenges, specifically the functionality of live transcripts generated automatically by Zoom… read more
Though interpreters’ professionalism has been discussed in interpreting studies, there have been few studies on how the general public see the image of interpreters. The present study is a multi-dimensional analysis of the image of conference interpreters as represented by the media, which is… read more
Interpreting is an activity embedded in a particular socio-cultural context that underpins norms of interpreting. Adopting the descriptive translation studies approach, this study aims to find out whether the interpretation for the Chinese government by institutional interpreters is becoming more… read more
Through a bibliometrical analysis of a database of quality articles in interpreting studies published between 2008 and 2012 in the 14 CSSCI and CORE journals that have published interpreting researches in China, this article describes the status quo of interpreting studies in China during the past… read more
Wang, Binhua and Mu Lei 2011 Interpreter training and research in mainland China: Recent developmentsInterpreting Chinese, Interpreting China, Setton, Robin (ed.), pp. 157–173 | Article
Wang, Binhua and Mu Lei 2009 Interpreter training and research in mainland China: Recent developmentsChina and Chinese, Setton, Robin (ed.), pp. 267–283 | Article
Against a background of favorable socio-economic conditions and the development of Translation Studies into an autonomous discipline, translation and interpreting programs are mushrooming in mainland China. This article reports on the development of interpreter training and research here in recent… read more