Nancy Chiagolum Odiegwu

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nancy Chiagolum Odiegwu plays a role.


Odiegwu, Nancy Chiagolum and Jesús Romero-Trillo 2024 Gradience in iconicity: Evidence from total reduplicative constructions in Nigerian PidginReview of Cognitive Linguistics 22:1, pp. 124–150 | Article
While it has largely been taken for granted by most linguists that the relationship between linguistic signifier and signified is arbitrary in nature, a growing number of studies suggest otherwise. In this article, we demonstrate that iconicity in total reduplicative constructions in Nigerian… read more
Odiegwu, Nancy Chiagolum and Jesús Romero-Trillo 2023 Morphopragmatic analysis of reduplication in Nigerian Pidgin (Naija)Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 38:2, pp. 263–289 | Article
Reduplication has a strong presence in creoles and expanded Pidgins. It has been studied for the several grammatical functions it performs in these languages. The present study is based on morphopragmatics theory, and explores reduplication in Nigerian Pidgin with the goal of identifying the… read more