Jussi Ylikoski

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jussi Ylikoski plays a role.


Case, Animacy and Semantic Roles

Edited by Seppo Kittilä, Katja Västi and Jussi Ylikoski

[Typological Studies in Language, 99] 2011. vi, 354 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Ylikoski, Jussi 2017 Chapter 10. Similarity, equality and the like in North SaamiSimilative and Equative Constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective, Treis, Yvonne and Martine Vanhove (eds.), pp. 259–290 | Chapter
The paper discusses various linguistic expressions of similarity, equality and related meanings in North Saami, the major language of the westernmost branch of the Uralic language family. In addition to function-based synchronic description of similatives, equatives and functives (role phrases),… read more
Ylikoski, Jussi 2017 Chapter 9. The essive in North SaamiUralic Essive and the Expression of Impermanent State, Groot, Casper de (ed.), pp. 217–241 | Chapter
This chapter presents an empirical study of the distribution of a morphological case labelled as the ‘essive’ in North Saami. The description of the properties of this case follows the linguistic questionnaire that captures the contexts in which essive and/or translative markers may occur in the… read more
Kittilä, Seppo and Jussi Ylikoski 2011 Remarks on the coding of Goal, Recipient and Vicinal Goal in European UralicCase, Animacy and Semantic Roles, Kittilä, Seppo, Katja Västi and Jussi Ylikoski (eds.), pp. 29–64 | Article
This paper discusses the coding of three roles, Goal, Recipient and Vicinal Goal (‘to the vicinity of’) in European Uralic languages. The paper shows that Uralic languages typically use cases for Recipients and Goals, while Vicinal Goals bear adpositional coding except for a few languages with… read more
Kittilä, Seppo, Katja Västi and Jussi Ylikoski 2011 Introduction to case, animacy and semantic rolesCase, Animacy and Semantic Roles, Kittilä, Seppo, Katja Västi and Jussi Ylikoski (eds.), pp. 1–26 | Article
Ylikoski, Jussi 2011 A survey of the origins of directional case suffixes in European UralicCase, Animacy and Semantic Roles, Kittilä, Seppo, Katja Västi and Jussi Ylikoski (eds.), pp. 235–282 | Article
This paper surveys the origins of the total of twenty-seven directional case markers in the European branches of the Uralic language family. In an attempt to resolve a number of mismatches between the traditional tenets of historical Uralistics and the contemporary typological knowledge of the… read more