Ann-Carita Evaldsson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ann-Carita Evaldsson plays a role.


Heteroglossia and language ideologies in children’s peer play interactions

Edited by Amy Kyratzis, Ann-Carita Evaldsson and Jennifer Reynolds

Special issue of Pragmatics 20:4 (2010) ca. 125 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics


In the present article, we explore identity making in narrative interaction in preadolescent girls’ friendship groups. The data draw on focus group discussions with three groups of preadolescent girls who in the presence of a moderator narrate different versions of an incident that was recognized… read more
The present study explores how minority schoolchildren in multilingual peer group interactions act upon dominant educational and linguistic ideologies as they organize their everyday emerging peer culture. The data draw from ethnographies combined with detailed analysis (CA) of video recordings in… read more
Kyratzis, Amy, Jennifer Reynolds and Ann-Carita Evaldsson 2010 Introduction: Heteroglossia and language ideologies in children’s peer play interactionsHeteroglossia and language ideologies in children’s peer play interactions, Kyratzis, Amy, Ann-Carita Evaldsson and Jennifer Reynolds (eds.), pp. 457–466 | Article
The five articles in this issue examine how children, in naturally occurring school and neighborhood peer and sibling-kin groups across a variety of cultures and societies, socialize one another to do heteroglossia, drawing upon a diverse repertoire of linguistic and discursive forms in their… read more