Patricia Ronan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Patricia Ronan plays a role.


Crossing Boundaries through Corpora: Innovative corpus approaches within and beyond linguistics

Edited by Sarah Buschfeld, Patricia Ronan, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff and Lisa Westermayer

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 119] 2024. vi, 260 pp.+ index
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Celtic languages | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Syntax
Ronan, Patricia, Sarah Buschfeld, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff and Lisa Westermayer 2024 Chapter 1. Introduction: Crossing discipline boundaries with corpus‑linguistic methodsCrossing Boundaries through Corpora: Innovative corpus approaches within and beyond linguistics, Buschfeld, Sarah, Patricia Ronan, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff and Lisa Westermayer (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Chapter
This qualitative and quantitative pilot study investigates the use of different question strategies of varying coerciveness in four different periods in the Old Bailey Corpus. It asks what question strategies are used by which trial participants at what time in the later early and late modern… read more
This study implements an automated parser-based approach to the investigation of light verb constructions. The database consisting of ICE-GB and ICE-IRE is used to obtain qualitative and quantitative results on the use of light verb structures. The study explains and evaluates the steps employed to… read more
Ronan, Patricia 2014 Tracing uses of will and would in Late Modern British and Irish EnglishContact, Variation, and Change in the History of English, Pfenninger, Simone E., Olga Timofeeva, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja, Marianne Hundt and Daniel Schreier (eds.), pp. 239–256 | Article
The present qualitative and quantitative study investigates the use of Late Modern English would on the basis of corpus data from Late Modern Irish English and of data from the Archer Corpus for Late Modern British English. It is the aim of the paper to show to what extent differences observed in… read more
Ronan, Patricia 2014 Light verb constructions in the history 
of EnglishCorpus Interrogation and Grammatical Patterns, Davidse, Kristin, Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière and Lieven Vandelanotte (eds.), pp. 15–34 | Article
This study investigates light verb constructions in sample corpora from Old- Middle- and Early Modern English. The use of one coherent definition of light verb constructions throughout these periods allows direct comparison of the overall structures and of the light verbs used. The comparison shows… read more
Ronan, Patricia 2012 Development of periphrastic tense and aspect constructions in Irish and WelshGrammaticalization and Language Change: New reflections, Davidse, Kristin, Tine Breban, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans (eds.), pp. 227–248 | Article
This paper offers a qualitative and quantitative study of the development of periphrastic tense and aspect constructions in the Irish language. It is argued that the modern periphrastic perfect construction arose to fill a gap left in the tense marking system by the generalization of the former… read more
Ronan, Patricia 2005 The after-perfect in Irish EnglishDialects Across Borders: Selected papers from the 11th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XI), Joensuu, August 2002, Filppula, Markku, Juhani Klemola, Marjatta Palander and Esa Penttilä (eds.), pp. 253–270 | Article
Much work in Linguistic Landscapes approaches multilingual landscapes in qualitative terms; inferential statistical approaches are still underrepresented. The present paper adds to filling this methodological gap by investigating the Linguistic Landscapes of St Martin, a highly multilingual,… read more