Eriko Sato

List of John Benjamins publications for which Eriko Sato plays a role.


Language learners’ motivations cannot be fully understood without studying a learner as a whole person with agency in social and cultural contexts (Ushioda 2009). Building on the concept of subjectivity, which is shaped through communicative interactions (Kramsch 2009), and the concept of… read more
The paper examines the products of interlingual and intralingual translanguaging and qualitatively analyzes three origin-based lexical varieties in Japanese, wago (native Japanese words), kango (Sino-Japanese words), and gairaigo (foreign loanwords other than kango) in terms of how they have… read more
Sato, Eriko 2020 Tong King Lee. Applied Translation StudiesTarget 32:1, pp. 162–165 | Review
Sato, Eriko 2019 A translation-based heterolingual pun and translanguagingTarget 31:3, pp. 444–464 | Article
This paper examines six English translations of the Japanese novel Botchan with a focus on a complex pun that pairs a multi-morphemic sentence-ending in the Matsuyama dialect with the name of a traditional Japanese food. One English translation renders it as a heterolingual SL-TL pun, which is… read more
This chapter analyzes the development of the Japanese writing system and the use of multiple types of scripts in translated texts in Japanese based on translanguaging. The sociolinguistic concept of translanguaging refers to the strategic use of linguistic repertoires across language boundaries by… read more