Bengt-Arne Wickström
List of John Benjamins publications for which Bengt-Arne Wickström plays a role.
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Applied linguistics | Cognition and language | Language policy | Language teaching | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Translation Studies
Methodological individualism is a central concept in normative economics. As the point of departure of our discussion of linguistic justice, we postulates the equality of all individuals in relation to their first language. Any deviation from this ideal has to be motivated. One such motivation… read more
Wickström, Bengt-Arne, Noémi Nagy, Anneliese Rieger-Roschitz and Balázs Vizi 2023
Language (re)vitalization: What characterizes a sensible policy? Promoting linguistic vitality through public policy: The role of rules, costs and incentives, Wickström, Bengt-Arne, Noémi Nagy, Anneliese Rieger-Roschitz and Balázs Vizi (eds.), pp. 113–135 | Introduction
Many small languages are in danger of extinction. How to stop and reverse this process is an important topic in the sociolinguistic literature. In addition to the revitalization of languages, there are also some examples of vitalizing (bringing to use) “new” languages, for example the… read more
Templin, Torsten, Bengt-Arne Wickström and Michele Gazzola 2022
Chapter 16. Effectiveness of policy measures and language dynamics Advances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy, Grin, François, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.), pp. 319–342 | Chapter
The effect of a given language policy can be very different in the short, medium and long run. We illustrate this, looking at the effects of language planning on inclusion given different mobility patterns. The choice is between different status and acquisition planning measures. This choice… read more