Celia Martín de León
List of John Benjamins publications for which Celia Martín de León plays a role.
Mirrors and windows: Gestural alignment in simultaneous interpreting Interpreting: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 The purpose of this study was to explore whether the co-speech gestures of interpreters align with those of a speaker during simultaneous interpreting. And if they do align, to investigate the functions that the aligned gestures serve and whether they provide information about the conceptual… read more
Embodied cognition in the booth: Referential and pragmatic gestures in simultaneous interpreting Developments in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Xiao, Kairong and Sandra L. Halverson (eds.), pp. 277–306 | Article
2021 From an enactivist perspective, cognition can be described as embodied, since it is determined by our bodily, multisensory, affective interaction with the environment, in particular by our social interaction. In recent years, interpreting has been defined as a multimodal, embodied cognitive… read more
Metaphern als Ausdruck subjektiver Theorien zum Übersetzen: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur konzeptuellstrukturierenden Funktion von Metaphernmodellen bei Studienanfängern1 Target 23:2, pp. 272–310 | Article
2011 In this article we introduce a model for and an empirical study of the role of metaphors in the construction and application of subjective or implicit theories by novice translators. Our goals are to analyze the structure of the subjective knowledge of translators and to determine their role in the… read more
Skopos and beyond: A critical study of functionalism Target 20:1, pp. 1–28 | Article
2008 This paper deals with the main results of a systematic investigation (Martín 2005), supported by concordance analysis, of the metaphorical expressions found in Reiß-Vermeer (1984) and Holz-Mänttäri (1984), two works that in the 1980s established the theoretical foundations of German functionalism.… read more