Laurie Swabey

List of John Benjamins publications for which Laurie Swabey plays a role.


Signed Language Interpreting and Translation

Edited by Laurie Swabey and Brenda Nicodemus

Special issue of Translation and Interpreting Studies 13:1 (2018) vi, 161 pp.
Subjects Interpreting | Translation Studies

Advances in Interpreting Research: Inquiry in action

Edited by Brenda Nicodemus and Laurie Swabey

[Benjamins Translation Library, 99] 2011. xi, 264 pp.
Subjects Interpreting
Swabey, Laurie and Brenda Nicodemus 2018 The armature of languageSigned Language Interpreting and Translation, Swabey, Laurie and Brenda Nicodemus (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Introduction
Swabey, Laurie, Brenda Nicodemus, Marty M. Taylor and Daniel Gile 2016 Lexical decisions and related cognitive issues in spoken and signed language interpreting: A case study of Obama’s inaugural addressInterpreting 18:1, pp. 34–56 | Article
This study examined omissions, errors, and variability in lexical selection across simultaneous interpretations of President Obama’s 2009 inaugural address, in three spoken languages (French, German, Japanese) and in American Sign Language (ASL). Microanalysis of how information conveyed by 39… read more
Swabey, Laurie and Brenda Nicodemus 2011 Bimodal bilingual interpreting in the U.S. healthcare system: A critical linguistic activity in need of investigationAdvances in Interpreting Research: Inquiry in action, Nicodemus, Brenda and Laurie Swabey (eds.), pp. 241–260 | Article
Legislation guarantees communication access in the United States healthcare system for deaf citizens and this access is often made possible by bimodal bilingual interpreters, individuals fluent in spoken and signed languages. Yet there is a conspicuous lack of research on interpreted discourse in… read more
Swabey, Laurie and Brenda Nicodemus 2011 IntroductionAdvances in Interpreting Research: Inquiry in action, Nicodemus, Brenda and Laurie Swabey (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Introduction
Swabey, Laurie and Paula Gajewski Mickelson 2008 4. Role definition: A perspective on forty years of professionalism in Sign Language interpretingCrossing Borders in Community Interpreting: Definitions and dilemmas, Valero Garcés, Carmen and Anne Martin (eds.), pp. 51–80 | Article
Since 1965, Sign Language interpreters in the United States have had a code of ethical behavior that has been published and promulgated by the RID, the national professional organization of Sign Language interpreters. The code has undergone three major revisions, and in each iteration the role of… read more