Guzman Mancho-Barés

List of John Benjamins publications for which Guzman Mancho-Barés plays a role.


Mancho-Barés, Guzman, Sarah Khan and Marta Aguilar-Pérez 2022 An EMI lecturer’s assessment practices with engineering laboratory reportsEmerging Assessment Needs and Solutions in EMI in Higher Education, Dimova, Slobodanka and Joyce Kling (eds.), pp. 232–254 | Article
EMI assessment research designed to compare academic achievement in EMI and L1-medium courses aims to examine language and content learning outcomes (Dafouz & Camacho-Miñano, 2016; Hernández-Nanclares & Jiménez-Munoz, 2015; Yang, 2015). However, these studies provide little insight into learning… read more
Research on English-medium instruction (EMI) has pointed to lecturers’ refusal to teach or correct English. This study seeks empirical evidence to investigate the extent to which content lecturers’ assessment practices align with their expressed beliefs regarding language teaching. Drawing on… read more