Elena Gavruseva
List of John Benjamins publications for which Elena Gavruseva plays a role.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Language acquisition | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
This articles examines an asymmetry in the acquisition of copula and auxiliarybe in a longitudinal corpus of English-acquiring consecutive bilinguals (ages 6;4–9;2). I argue that a delay in the productive use of auxiliary be vis-à-vis the copula can be explained under a theory of early L2 grammar… read more
Gavruseva, Elena 2003
L2 root infinitives uprooted and revisited EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 3 (2003), Foster-Cohen, Susan H. and Simona Pekarek Doehler (eds.), pp. 57–75 | Article
Recent work on child L2 acquisition of English demonstrates that root infinitives (RIs) abound in early language (Gavruseva and Lardière 1996, Haznedar and Schwarz 1997). This paper aims to show that current approaches to RIs (Rizzi 1993/94, Prévost and White 2000) fail to account for the… read more