Alexander Pfaff

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexander Pfaff plays a role.


Pfaff, Alexander 2024 Dimensions of partitivity in Icelandic (and beyond)Methods for Studying Variation in Partitives, Sleeman, Petra and Anne Tamm (eds.), pp. 297–322 | Article
This article addresses a peculiar partitive construction in Icelandic – peculiar, in that it involves (case, number, gender) agreement between a quantificational element and the inner nominal, rather than dependency marking (by case or preposition) on the inner nominal. It is shown that this… read more
Pfaff, Alexander 2014 Inside and outside – Before and after: Weak and strong adjectives in IcelandicAdjectives in Germanic and Romance, Sleeman, Petra, Freek Van de Velde and Harry Perridon (eds.), pp. 217–244 | Article
Icelandic has four (definite) article – adjective – noun patterns. In this paper, I present novel data, and put “old” data in a new perspective. I will argue that weakly inflected adjectives (patterns I – III) are merged inside the DP below the definite article, whereas strongly inflected… read more