Andre Goderich

List of John Benjamins publications for which Andre Goderich plays a role.


Goderich, Andre 2025 Formosan loanwords in four Atayal dialectsConcentric 51:1, pp. 32–68 | Article
Lexical borrowings in Formosan languages from Japanese and Sinitic languages are frequently discussed in linguistic literature. Borrowings between Formosan languages themselves are more difficult to disentangle. This paper presents loanwords from Formosan languages in four Atayal dialects:… read more
Plngawan Atayal can be subdivided into two varieties: Sami’uɹ and Macagis. This subdialectal distinction went mostly unnoticed in linguistic publications barring a short mention by Chen (2012). Despite living in the same village since 1938, elderly speakers of both varieties have retained a… read more