Pavel Materna

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pavel Materna plays a role.

Materna, Pavel 1996 Three kinds of using the identity signDiscourse and Meaning: Papers in honor of Eva Hajičová, Partee, Barbara H. and Petr Sgall (eds.), pp. 95–110 | Article
Materna, Pavel 1990 Semantics, External Pragmatics, Internal PragmaticsPrague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics: Volume 10, Hajičová, Eva, Marie Těšitelová and Ján Horecký (eds.), pp. 145–158 | Article
Materna, Pavel, Petr Sgall and Eva Hajičová 1988 “Linguistic constructions” in transparent intensional logicCategorial Grammar, Buszkowski, Wojciech, Witold Marciszewski and Johan van Benthem (eds.), pp. 283–300 | Article
Materna, Pavel 1987 Disambiguating Interrogative Sentences through a Logical Analysis of AnswersPrague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics: Volume 9, Hajičová, Eva, Marie Těšitelová and Ján Horecký (eds.), pp. 195–200 | Article
Svoboda, Aleš and Pavel Materna 1987 Functional sentence perspective and intensional logicFunctionalism in Linguistics, Dirven, René † and Vilém Fried (eds.), pp. 191–208 | Article
Materna, Pavel 1983 On Understanding and BelievingPrague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics: Volume 8, Hajičová, Eva, Marie Těšitelová and Ján Horecký (eds.), pp. 211–224 | Article