Katherine E. Twomey

List of John Benjamins publications for which Katherine E. Twomey plays a role.



Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition: How children use their environment to learn

Edited by Caroline F. Rowland, Anna L. Theakston, Ben Ambridge and Katherine E. Twomey

[Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 27] 2020. ix, 330 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Language acquisition | Language disorders & speech pathology | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics


Ambridge, Ben, Caroline F. Rowland, Anna L. Theakston and Katherine E. Twomey 2020 IntroductionCurrent Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition: How children use their environment to learn, Rowland, Caroline F., Anna L. Theakston, Ben Ambridge and Katherine E. Twomey (eds.), pp. 1–7 | Chapter
Twomey, Katherine E. and Angelo Cangelosi 2020 Heads, shoulders, knees and toes: What developmental robotics can tell us about language acquisitionCurrent Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition: How children use their environment to learn, Rowland, Caroline F., Anna L. Theakston, Ben Ambridge and Katherine E. Twomey (eds.), pp. 39–64 | Chapter
Decades of research have brought us a long way in understanding the many factors that affect language acquisition. However, while a wealth of empirical studies have characterised children’s language learning behaviours, from pre-speech to syntax, until relatively recently researchers have been… read more
Twomey, Katherine E., Anthony F. Morse, Angelo Cangelosi and Jessica S. Horst 2016 Children’s referent selection and word learning: Insights from a developmental robotic systemInteraction Studies 17:1, pp. 101–127 | Article
It is well-established that toddlers can correctly select a novel referent from an ambiguous array in response to a novel label. There is also a growing consensus that robust word learning requires repeated label-object encounters. However, the effect of the context in which a novel object is… read more