This special issue explores how multilingual (and semiotic) landscapes relate to constructions of community. With the present introduction we aim to embed theoretical notions of ‘community’ into the study of Linguistic Landscapes (henceforth LL). We first discuss how the notion of ‘community’ has… read more
Our aim in this paper is to propose a framework to analyse the relationship between language choice on signs in multilingual environments, place, and notions of ‘community’. We focus on an interpretation of the goals pursued by sign owners, exploring how linguistic (and non-linguistic) resources… read more
This paper is concerned firstly with introducing a preliminary sketch of a function-oriented theory of language contact. Second, it will address the position of connectivity devices as mental or cognitive operations, which constitute part of the bilingual’s communicative activity. From the… read more
The replication of concrete formal-structural material (morpho-phonological forms with attached meanings) from one language in another is universally understood to instantiate grammatical and lexical ‘borrowing’ (we follow mainstream usage here and attach no value judgement to the word ‘borrowing’… read more
A distinction is commonly made between morphological or surface ergativity, and syntactic or deep ergativity, based on what Dixon has termed the "pivot" behavior (S/A vs. S/O) of a language. Since marked constructions enable an S/A pivot to function even in some deep ergative languages, deep or… read more