Bernard Dieterle

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bernard Dieterle plays a role.


Romantic Prose Fiction

Edited by Gerald Gillespie, Manfred Engel and Bernard Dieterle

Subjects Comparative literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies


Dieterle, Bernard 2008 Wertherism and the Romantic WeltanschauungRomantic Prose Fiction, Gillespie, Gerald, Manfred Engel and Bernard Dieterle (eds.), pp. 22–40 | Article
Gillespie, Gerald, Manfred Engel and Bernard Dieterle 2008 ConclusionRomantic Prose Fiction, Gillespie, Gerald, Manfred Engel and Bernard Dieterle (eds.), pp. 695–701 | Miscellaneous