Siva Kalyan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Siva Kalyan plays a role.


Understanding language genealogy: Alternatives to the tree model

Edited by Siva Kalyan, Alexandre François and Harald Hammarström

Special issue of Journal of Historical Linguistics 9:1 (2019) v, 176 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics


Kalyan, Siva and Alexandre François 2019 When the waves meet the trees: A response to Jacques and ListUnderstanding language genealogy: Alternatives to the tree model, Kalyan, Siva, Alexandre François and Harald Hammarström (eds.), pp. 168–177 | Commentary
Kalyan, Siva, Alexandre François and Harald Hammarström 2019 Problems with, and alternatives to,the tree model in historical linguisticsUnderstanding language genealogy: Alternatives to the tree model, Kalyan, Siva, Alexandre François and Harald Hammarström (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Introduction