Julian Kiverstein
List of John Benjamins publications for which Julian Kiverstein plays a role.
Do sensory substitution devices extend the conscious mind? Consciousness in Interaction: The role of the natural and social context in shaping consciousness, Paglieri, Fabio (ed.), pp. 19–40 | Article
2012 Is the brain the biological substrate of consciousness? Most naturalistic philosophers of mind have supposed that the answer must obviously be “yes” to this question. However, a growing number of philosophers working in 4e (embodied, embedded, extended, enactive) cognitive science have begun to… read more
Consciousness and the feeling body The Emergence of Consciousness: A top-down, social phenomenon?, Cole, Jonathan and Marcelo Dascal † (eds.), pp. 607–616 | Review article
2010 In How the Mind Uses the Brain Ralph Ellis and Natika Newton develop a novel embodied, enactive theory of consciousness, according to which consciousness has its basis in neural systems that prepare the system to perform actions of emotional significance to the organism. Consciousness emerges out… read more