Aline Dornelas

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aline Dornelas plays a role.


Autism is characterized by repetitive behavior and difficulties in adopting the viewpoint of others. We examine a communicative phenomenon resulting from these symptoms: non-prototypical direct speech for non-reports involving an actual utterance from previously produced discourse (e.g. quoting… read more
Dornelas, Aline and Esther Pascual 2016 Echolalia as communicative strategy: Fictive interaction in the speech of children with autismThe Conversation Frame: Forms and functions of fictive interaction, Pascual, Esther and Sergeiy Sandler (eds.), pp. 343–361 | Article
We explore how fictive interaction (Pascual 2002, 2014), manifested as echolalia (i.e. prior speech repeated verbatim), is successfully used by autistic children as a compensatory strategy in conversation. We video-recorded four Brazilian autistic children between the ages of 4 and 12 in… read more