Roswita Dressler

List of John Benjamins publications for which Roswita Dressler plays a role.

Few books are available to support reading instruction in minority language immersion programs. Since North American teachers provide children with a choice of books scaffolded in difficulty and suited to their interests, they must resort to creating or adapting their own minority language… read more
We present a case study of a heritage speaker of German, Luisa, who is growing up in an English-speaking part of Canada, focussing on the acquisition of grammatical gender in German. While German has cues to gender assignment, the acquisition of gender in this setting is compromised by the… read more
Participants in study abroad (SA) programs (sojourners) are often encouraged to blog as a form of reflective writing, yet little is known about this practice. Generally, reflection facilitates sojourners’ engagement in their personal and professional growth. Drawing from two different but… read more
Dressler, Roswita and Anja Dressler 2019 The methodological affordances and challenges of using Facebook to research study abroadLanguage learning and interactional experiences in Study Abroad settings, Salaberry, M. Rafael, Kate White and Alfred Rue Burch (eds.), pp. 126–144 | Article
Some study abroad (SA) researchers use Facebook as a tool to reach participants or as the site or context of research. In Dressler and Dressler (2016), we examined the linguistic identity positioning of one sojourner in Facebook posts over two sojourns. In this paper, we determine the… read more