Ludwig Rübekeil

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ludwig Rübekeil plays a role.


Rübekeil, Ludwig 2025 Latin brutes , sapo , burdoGermanic Interrelations: Studies in memory of Hans Frede Nielsen, Laker, Stephen, Carla Falluomini, Steffen Krogh, Robert Nedoma and Michael Schulte (eds.), pp. 302–318 | Chapter
The Germanic languages have adopted many words borrowed from Latin during the time of the Roman Empire (e.g. ModE wine, NHG Mauer < Latin vīnum, mūrus ‘wall’). The medieval Germanic languages, on the other hand, left their traces in Romance during the time Germanic peoples settled on former… read more
Rübekeil, Ludwig 2015 Onomastik und Deonomastik im keltisch-germanischen SprachkontaktEarly Germanic Languages in Contact, Askedal, John Ole and Hans Frede Nielsen † (eds.), pp. 163–185 | Chapter
Rübekeil, Ludwig 2010 Got. gards οἶκος und garda αὐλή: semantische Konsistenz und RaumkonzeptNOWELE Volume 58/59 (June 2010): The Gothic Language, Nielsen, Hans Frede † and Flemming Talbo Stubkjær (eds.), pp. 269–284 | Article