Georgeta Cislaru

List of John Benjamins publications for which Georgeta Cislaru plays a role.


Writing(s) at the Crossroads: The process–product interface

Edited by Georgeta Cislaru

[Not in series, 194] 2015. vi, 304 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Communication Studies | Writing and literacy

Linguistic Approaches to Emotions in Context

Edited by Fabienne H. Baider and Georgeta Cislaru

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 241] 2014. vi, 358 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics

The Discourse of Social Achievement

Edited by Georgeta Cislaru

Special issue of Pragmatics and Society 2:2 (2011) v, 173 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Cislaru, Georgeta 2024 Référence indéfinie et (im)prédictibilité discursive: Le cas des slogansLa Référence Floue, Gardelle, Laure and Frédéric Landragin (eds.), pp. 295–314 | Article
L’article interroge le potentiel interprétatif et le fonctionnement discursif d’une série de slogans comportant au moins un élément à référence vague ou indéfinie, à l’instar de « Ensemble, tout devient possible ». Se situant dans une perspective de traitement incrémental qui reconnaît l’impact… read more
We sought to determine the role of verbless sentences across the writing process. We compared two corpora: a longitudinal corpus of social reports and a transversal corpus of diary entries and letters. An examination of successive draft reports revealed that verbless sentences were present in… read more
In the present study, we adopt a cognitive-discursive approach to analyse the linguistic structures of bursts of production in a corpus of reports by social workers about children at-risk. Bursts were identified as periods of fluent writing between pauses of at least two seconds, and were coupled… read more
Baider, Fabienne H. and Georgeta Cislaru 2014 Linguistic approaches to emotion in contextLinguistic Approaches to Emotions in Context, Baider, Fabienne H. and Georgeta Cislaru (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Introduction
Cislaru, Georgeta 2014 Patterns of allocentric emotional expressions, a contrastive study*Linguistic Approaches to Emotions in Context, Baider, Fabienne H. and Georgeta Cislaru (eds.), pp. 113–136 | Article
The aim of this paper is to propose a detailed analysis of allocentric emotional expressions (AEE) like I am happy for you; She worries for him in English, French, Romanian and Russian. Joy, sadness, fear, and shame are the four emotional domains concerned by these constructions. The formal… read more
Cislaru, Georgeta 2011 The discourse of social achievementThe Discourse of Social Achievement, Cislaru, Georgeta (ed.), pp. 163–170 | Article