Svetlana Petrova

List of John Benjamins publications for which Svetlana Petrova plays a role.

Petrova, Svetlana 2024 Non-referential elements in the history of Low GermanThe Evolution of Expletives: Theoretical and diachronic perspectives, Fuß, Eric and Benjamin Lowell Sluckin (eds.), pp. 121–157 | Article
The paper investigates the development of the system of non-referential elements in Low German from a cross-Germanic perspective. The data is taken from the currently available reference corpora, which cover the period from the beginning of the attestation in the late 9th century to 1700. The… read more
This contribution deals with the rise of the definite determiner in generic noun phrases in German. It calls attention to a by now neglected part of the diachronic development of the determiner system of German and provides a special contribution on the subject, building upon newly collected,… read more
Based on the analysis of the distributional properties of different types of pronouns in historical German, the present paper investigates discourse prominence as a factor governing the selection of anaphora in the discourse. It claims that particular types of pronouns refer to entities which are… read more
Petrova, Svetlana and Esther Rinke 2014 Formal properties of event-reporting sentences in Old High German and Old FrenchInformation Structure and Syntactic Change in Germanic and Romance Languages, Bech, Kristin and Kristine Gunn Eide (eds.), pp. 271–294 | Article
This article investigates the interplay between syntax and information structure by comparing the discourse conditions under which a special class of root clauses in two Old High German (OHG) and Old French (OF) texts occur. The focus is on sentences with post-verbal subjects and either the… read more