Patxi Laskurain Ibarluzea

List of John Benjamins publications for which Patxi Laskurain Ibarluzea plays a role.


The present comparative study investigates the use of multi-word expressions known as ‘routine formulas’ in the humorous monologues of four comedians from four different late-night TV shows in Spain and the United States. The study is framed in the General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH) and… read more
Ibarluzea, Patxi Laskurain 2014 Mood selection in the complement of negation matrices in SpanishInformation Structure and Reference Tracking in Complex Sentences, Gijn, Rik van, Jeremy Hammond, Dejan Matić, Saskia van Putten and Ana Vilacy Galucio (eds.), pp. 193–228 | Article
Following Lambrecht’s (1994, 2001) theory of Information Structure and drawing a conceptual parallel with Mejías-Bikandi’s (1994, 1998) account of mood distribution in Spanish complements, this study analyzes mood selection in the complement of negation and doubt matrices in Spanish in terms of the… read more