Ann Bertels

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ann Bertels plays a role.

This chapter discusses the theoretical and methodological principles of distributional semantic analysis. Over the last decade, Distributional Semantics has become very popular in Corpus Linguistics, building on very large corpora and extracting useful semantic information for numerous… read more
Grön, Leonie and Ann Bertels 2018 Clinical sublanguages: Vocabulary structure and its impact on term weightingComputational terminology and filtering of terminological information, Drouin, Patrick, Natalia Grabar, Thierry Hamon, Kyo Kageura and Koichi Takeuchi (eds.), pp. 41–65 | Article
Due to its specific linguistic properties, the language found in clinical records has been characterized as a distinct sublanguage. Even within the clinical domain, though, there are major differences in language use, which has led to more fine-grained distinctions based on medical fields and… read more
This chapter addresses the dynamics of terms and meaning in specialised communication by means of a semantic investigation into the domain of machining and metalworking terminology. The double quantitative analysis consists of the identification and quantification of specialised vocabulary as well… read more
Bertels, Ann and Dirk Speelman 2014 Clustering for semantic purposes: Exploration of semantic similarity in a technical corpusLexical semantic approaches to terminology, Faber, Pamela and Marie-Claude L'Homme (eds.), pp. 279–303 | Article
This paper presents an innovative approach, within the framework of distributional semantics, for the exploration of semantic similarity in a technical corpus. In complement to a previous quantitative semantic analysis conducted in the same domain of machining terminology, this paper sets out to… read more
This paper explores two tools and methods for keyword extraction. As several tools are available, it makes a comparison of two widely used tools, namely Lexico3 (Lamalle et al. 2003) and WordSmith Tools (Scott 2013). It shows the importance of keywords and discusses recent studies involving keyword… read more
This paper addresses the dynamics of terms and meaning in specialised communication by means of a semantic investigation into the domain of machining terminology in French. Studying meaning in specialised language raises two main research questions: how to identify terms or specialised entities in… read more
This article discusses the methodology and results of a quantitative semantic analysis (result of a PhD dissertation) of about 5000 pivotal terms (keywords) in the domain of machining terminology in French. Building on a double quantitative approach and corpus data (viz. a lemmatised corpus of… read more