R. Harald Baayen
List of John Benjamins publications for which R. Harald Baayen plays a role.
How direct is the link between words and images? The Mental Lexicon 18:3, pp. 472–511 | Article
2023 Günther et al. (2022) investigated the relationship between words and images in which they concluded the possibility of a direct link between words and embodied experience. In their study, participants were presented with a target noun and a pair of images, one chosen by their model and another… read more
Explorations of morphological structure in distributional space Explorations of morphological structure in distributional space, Bell, Melanie J., Juhani Järvikivi and Vito Pirrelli (eds.), pp. 326–336 | Introduction
2022 Paradigm gaps are associated with weird “distributional semantics” properties: Russian defective nouns and their case and number paradigms Explorations of morphological structure in distributional space, Bell, Melanie J., Juhani Järvikivi and Vito Pirrelli (eds.), pp. 395–421 | Article
2022 This study investigates the phenomenon of defectiveness in Russian case and number noun paradigms from the perspective of distributional semantics. We made use of word embeddings, high-dimensional vectors trained from large text corpora, and compared the observed paradigms of nouns that are… read more
A generating model for Finnish nominal inflection using distributional semantics Explorations of morphological structure in distributional space, Bell, Melanie J., Juhani Järvikivi and Vito Pirrelli (eds.), pp. 368–394 | Article
2022 Finnish nouns are characterized by rich inflectional variation, with obligatory marking of case and number, with optional possessive suffixes and with the possibility of further cliticization. We present a model for the conceptualization of Finnish inflected nouns, using pre-compiled fasttext… read more
Making sense of spoken plurals Explorations of morphological structure in distributional space, Bell, Melanie J., Juhani Järvikivi and Vito Pirrelli (eds.), pp. 337–367 | Article
2022 Distributional semantics offers new ways to study the semantics of morphology. This study focuses on the semantics of noun singulars and their plural inflectional variants in English. Our goal is to compare two models for the conceptualization of plurality. One model (FRACSS) proposes that all… read more
An inquiry into the semantic transparency and productivity of German particle verbs and derivational affixation Explorations of morphological structure in distributional space, Bell, Melanie J., Juhani Järvikivi and Vito Pirrelli (eds.), pp. 422–457 | Article
2022 This study addresses the relation between morphological productivity and semantic transparency. Using distributional semantics, we compare German word formation using particles with derivational word formation. We observed that derivational suffixes, but not particles, tend to make strong… read more
Productivity and semantic transparency: An exploration of word formation in Mandarin Chinese Explorations of morphological structure in distributional space, Bell, Melanie J., Juhani Järvikivi and Vito Pirrelli (eds.), pp. 458–479 | Article
2022 We used word embeddings to study the relation between productivity and semantic transparency. We compiled a dataset with around 2700 two-syllable compounds that shared position-specific constituents (henceforth pivots) and some 1100 suffixed words. For each pivot and suffix, we calculated… read more