Ton van der Linden

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ton van der Linden plays a role.


van der Linden, Ton 1992 De (On-)Zin In ToetsvragenLezen en luisteren in moedertaal en vreemde taal, pp. 90–96 | Article
In most testing practices not only the ability or knowledge the test aims to measure is assessed, but also the reading ability of the tested person. The level of his reading ability interferes with the ability to be measured. Several 'communication-problems' between teacher and student reinforce… read more
van der Linden, Ton 1985 Instaptoets AnderstaligenNederlands als tweede taal, pp. 73–85 | Article
The Entrance Test (Instaptoets Anderstaligen) aims to assess the proficiency in Dutch of 9- to 16-year-old ethnic children to facilitate gearing subsequent tuition to their needs. From the assessment of what skills a pupil masters or does not master (satisfactorily) the teacher derives guidelines… read more