Patrick McConvell

List of John Benjamins publications for which Patrick McConvell plays a role.

McConvell, Patrick 2008 22. Grand-daddy morphs: The importance of suffixes in reconstructing Pama-Nyungan kinshipMorphology and Language History: In honour of Harold Koch, Bowern, Claire, Bethwyn Evans and Luisa Miceli (eds.), pp. 313–327 | Article
McConvell, Patrick and Mary Laughren 2004 The Ngumpin-Yapa subgroupAustralian Languages: Classification and the comparative method, Bowern, Claire and Harold Koch (eds.), pp. 151–178 | Article
McConvell, Patrick 1986 Aboriginal language programmes and language maintenance in the KimberleyVolume 3, McNamara, Tim F. (ed.), pp. 108–122 | Article
Different types of language programmes for indigenous Australian languages should be developed to suit different language situations. Programmes are here divided into three types: Bilingual Education, Language Maintenance and Language Renewal. The Kija language of Warrmarn community, Western… read more