Matthew Brook O'Donnell
List of John Benjamins publications for which Matthew Brook O'Donnell plays a role.
Chapter 5. Examining associations between lexis and textual position in hard news stories, or according to a study by… Corpora, Grammar and Discourse: In honour of Susan Hunston, Groom, Nicholas, Maggie Charles and Suganthi John (eds.), pp. 117–144 | Article
2015 It is claimed within the theory of lexical priming that text-linguistic phenomena are as deeply involved in our lexical primings as are more obvious phenomena such as collocations. One of the textual claims is that people are primed to associate certain words or phrases with certain recognised… read more
The development of formulaic sequences in first and second language writing: Investigating effects of frequency, association, and native norm Current Issues in Phraseology, Hoffmann, Sebastian, Bettina Fischer-Starcke and Andrea Sand (eds.), pp. 83–108 | Article
2015 Formulaic sequences are recognised as having important roles in language acquisition, processing, fluency, idiomaticity, and instruction. But there is little agreement over their definition and measurement, or on methods of corpus comparison. We argue that replicable research must be grounded upon… read more
Chapter 2. Using COBUILD grammar patterns for a large-scale analysis of verb-argument constructions: Exploring corpus data and speaker knowledge Corpora, Grammar and Discourse: In honour of Susan Hunston, Groom, Nicholas, Maggie Charles and Suganthi John (eds.), pp. 43–72 | Article
2015 This paper takes patterns identified in COBUILD Grammar Patterns 1: Verbs (Francis et al. 1996) as a starting point for the systematic, large-scale analysis of English verb-argument constructions (VACs), using both corpus/computational methods and psycholinguistic experiments. We work in an… read more
We used free association tasks to investigate second language (L2) verb-argument constructions (VACs) and the ways in which their access is sensitive to statistical patterns of usage (verb type-token frequency distribution, VAC-verb contingency, verb-VAC semantic prototypicality). 131 German, 131… read more
The development of formulaic sequences in first and second language writing: Investigating effects of frequency, association, and native norm Current issues in phraseology, Hoffmann, Sebastian, Bettina Fischer-Starcke and Andrea Sand (eds.), pp. 83–108 | Article
2013 Formulaic sequences are recognised as having important roles in language acquisition, processing, fluency, idiomaticity, and instruction. But there is little agreement over their definition and measurement, or on methods of corpus comparison. We argue that replicable research must be grounded upon… read more
Windows on the mind: Pauses in conversational narrative Errors and Disfluencies in Spoken Corpora, Gilquin, Gaëtanelle and Sylvie De Cock (eds.), pp. 59–91 | Article
2013 This paper investigates four different types of pauses in conversational narrative: the filled pauses er and erm, and short and long silent pauses. The study is based on the Narrative Corpus (NC), a recently created corpus of everyday narratives. The texts, which include both the narrative and some… read more
Windows on the mind: Pauses in conversational narrative Errors and Disfluencies in Spoken Corpora, Gilquin, Gaëtanelle and Sylvie De Cock (eds.), pp. 198–230 | Article
2011 This paper investigates four different types of pauses in conversational narrative: the filled pauses er and erm, and short and long silent pauses. The study is based on the Narrative Corpus (NC), a recently created corpus of everyday narratives. The texts, which include both the narrative and some… read more
“From corpus to query and back again”: The Survey of English Usage and ICECUP paradigm Patterns, meaningful units and specialized discourses, Römer-Barron, Ute and Rainer Schulze (eds.), pp. 387–401 | Review