Guido Nottbusch

List of John Benjamins publications for which Guido Nottbusch plays a role.


Constraints on Spelling Changes

Edited by Guido Nottbusch and Eliane Segers

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 10:2 (2007) 162 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy

Script Adjustment and Phonological Awareness

Edited by Martin Neef and Guido Nottbusch

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 9:1 (2006) 181 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy
Nottbusch, Guido 2010 Review of Schnitzler (2008): Phonologische Bewusstheit und SchriftspracherwerbDevelopmental aspects of written language, Vernon Carter, Sofía A. and Mónica Alvarado (eds.), pp. 287–289 | Review
Sahel, Said, Guido Nottbusch, Angela Grimm and Rüdiger Weingarten 2009 Written production of German compounds: Effects of lexical frequency and semantic transparencyThe Role of Phonology in Reading, Penke, Martina (ed.), pp. 211–227 | Article
In this study, we present an experiment in which we examined the time course of typing German compounds. The compounds varied according to three criteria: (1) whole word frequency (high vs. low), (2) head frequency (high vs. low) and (3) semantic transparency (transparent vs. opaque). In this… read more
Nottbusch, Guido and Eliane Segers 2007 Introduction: Constraints on spelling changesConstraints on Spelling Changes, Nottbusch, Guido and Eliane Segers (eds.), pp. 83–87 | Article
Neef, Martin and Guido Nottbusch 2006 Introduction: Script Adjustment and Phonological AwarenessScript Adjustment and Phonological Awareness, Neef, Martin and Guido Nottbusch (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Article
Will, Udo, Guido Nottbusch and Rüdiger Weingarten 2006 Linguistic units in word typing: Effects of word presentation modes and typing delayScript Adjustment and Phonological Awareness, Neef, Martin and Guido Nottbusch (eds.), pp. 153–176 | Article
This study reports on two experiments in which German participants had to type words presented to them in various modes. Experiment 1 compares typing following visual and oral word presentation with typing following picture presentation. In the second experiment typing responses following oral and… read more