Sarah Schwarz
List of John Benjamins publications for which Sarah Schwarz plays a role.
Chapter 17. “If anyone would have told me, I would have not believed it”: Using corpora to question assumptions about spoken vs. written grammar in EFL grammars and other normative works Voices Past and Present - Studies of Involved, Speech-related and Spoken Texts: In honor of Merja Kytö, Jonsson, Ewa and Tove Larsson (eds.), pp. 283–300 | Chapter
2020 The aim of this chapter is to critically examine the accuracy of the advice on formal, written grammar offered in EFL teaching materials and other normative works. We use corpus data to investigate the use of four grammatical features often labelled as “informal” or “spoken” and find that the… read more
Signs of grammaticalization: Tracking the get -passive through COHA Developments in English Historical Morpho-Syntax, Claridge, Claudia and Birte Bös (eds.), pp. 199–222 | Chapter
2019 In this study, I examine a large number of get-passives from different genres and time periods in the Corpus of Historical American English for signs of grammaticalization by looking for evidence of semantic bleaching and morphosyntactic generalization. A comparable set of be-passives is included… read more
“Like getting nibbled to death by a duck”: Grammaticalization of the get -passive in the TIME Magazine Corpus English World-Wide 38:3, pp. 305–335 | Article
2017 This large-scale corpus study explores new parameters which might indicate grammaticalization of the get-passive in recent American English, where the construction has increased in frequency. To this end, large samples of both be- and get-passives from the TIME Magazine Corpus were analyzed with… read more