Peichang He
List of John Benjamins publications for which Peichang He plays a role.
Co-developing science literacy and foreign language literacy through “Concept + Language Mapping” Teaching, Learning and Scaffolding in CLIL Science Classrooms, Lo, Yuen Yi and Angel M.Y. Lin (eds.), pp. 115–143 | Chapter
2021 Drawing on Lemke’s (1990) “thematic patterns” theory, this research proposes a “Concept + Language Mapping” (CLM) approach and tried it out in an English Medium Instruction (EMI) biology classroom in Hong Kong. Lessons were observed and samples of student work were collected during the… read more
Becoming a “language-aware” content teacher: Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) teacher professional development as a collaborative, dynamic, and dialogic process Teacher Development for Immersion and Content-Based Instruction, Cammarata, Laurent and T.J. Ó Ceallaigh (eds.), pp. 11–39 | Chapter
2020 Building on and extending the frameworks of Teacher Language Awareness (TLA) in second/foreign language education and content-based/CLIL education (Andrews, 2007; Andrews & Lin, 2017; Lindahl & Watkins, 2015), this chapter argues that effective teaching of academic content in an L2 requires a… read more
Co-developing science literacy and foreign language literacy through “Concept + Language Mapping” Teaching, Learning and Scaffolding in CLIL Science Classrooms, Lo, Yuen Yi and Angel M.Y. Lin (eds.), pp. 261–288 | Article
2019 Drawing on Lemke’s (1990) “thematic patterns” theory, this research proposes a “Concept + Language Mapping” (CLM) approach and tried it out in an English Medium Instruction (EMI) biology classroom in Hong Kong. Lessons were observed and samples of student work were collected during the… read more
Becoming a “language-aware” content teacher: Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) teacher professional development as a collaborative, dynamic, and dialogic process Teacher education and professional development for immersion and content-based instruction: Research on programs, practices, and teacher educators, Cammarata, Laurent and T.J. Ó Ceallaigh (eds.), pp. 162–188 | Article
2018 Building on and extending the frameworks of Teacher Language Awareness (TLA) in second/foreign language education and content-based/CLIL education (Andrews, 2007; Lindahl & Watkins, 2015; Andrews & Lin, 2017), this paper argues that effective teaching of academic content in an L2 requires a… read more