Jacques Durand

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jacques Durand plays a role.


Corpus Analysis and Variation in Linguistics

Edited by Yuji Kawaguchi, Makoto Minegishi and Jacques Durand

[Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1] 2009. vi, 399 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
Durand, Jacques 2009 On the scope of linguistics: Data, intuitions, corporaCorpus Analysis and Variation in Linguistics, Kawaguchi, Yuji, Makoto Minegishi and Jacques Durand (eds.), pp. 25–52 | Article
Kawaguchi, Yuji, Makoto Minegishi and Jacques Durand 2009 IntroductionCorpus Analysis and Variation in Linguistics, Kawaguchi, Yuji, Makoto Minegishi and Jacques Durand (eds.), pp. 7–24 | Article
Ever since the birth of phonology, French has been a favorite testing ground for theoretical claims concerning phonological structure. Sadly, far too many theoretical claims have just been reinterpretations of idealized data borrowed from the literature or observations taken from normative work… read more
Carr, Philip, Jacques Durand and Colin J. Ewen 2005 Introduction: The structure of phonological representationsHeadhood, Elements, Specification and Contrastivity: Phonological papers in honour of John Anderson, Carr, Philip, Jacques Durand and Colin J. Ewen (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Miscellaneous
Durand, Jacques 2005 John M. Anderson: A Brief Profile of the Man and his Career in LinguisticsHeadhood, Elements, Specification and Contrastivity: Phonological papers in honour of John Anderson, Carr, Philip, Jacques Durand and Colin J. Ewen (eds.), pp. vii–xxviii | Miscellaneous
Durand, Jacques 1980 Port-Royal: A ReplyStudies in Language 4:1, pp. 131–137 | Miscellaneous