John Mansfield
List of John Benjamins publications for which John Mansfield plays a role.
Managing expectations: Referential expectedness and uncertainty in a syntactically flexible language Studies in Language 49:1, pp. 194–223 | Article
2025 One of the central goals of human language is to convey intended messages successfully to the addressee. However, communication inherently involves uncertainty or unexpectedness which hinders this delivery. Different languages have different strategies to manage unexpectedness. In this article,… read more
Morphotactic variation, prosodic domains and the changing structure of the Murrinhpatha verb Asia-Pacific Language Variation 1:2, pp. 163–189 | Article
2015 Bound morphology is usually realized on lexical stems following fixed rules of sequencing, but in some highly agglutinative languages this is not the case. Morphotactic variation has previously been described in detail for Chintang and Tagalog, and more briefly noted for various other languages… read more