Luis Vicente

List of John Benjamins publications for which Luis Vicente plays a role.

Vicente, Luis 2016 Definedness conditions on admission-of-ignorance movesLinguistics in the Netherlands 2016, Audring, Jenny and Sander Lestrade (eds.), pp. 166–179 | Article
Given a set of alternatives, a speaker can explicitly admit ignorance about which of them hold true. The (in)felicity of such admission-of-ignorance moves immediately following disjunctions and conjunctions follows from the semantics of or and and. However, semantics alone turns out to be… read more
Rodrigues, Cilene, Andrew Nevins and Luis Vicente 2009 Cleaving the interactions between sluicing and P-strandingRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2006: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’, Amsterdam, 7–9 December 2006, Torck, Danièle and W. Leo Wetzels (eds.), pp. 175–198 | Article
Merchant (2001) proposes that preposition stranding under sluicing is allowed only in those languages that also allow P-stranding in regular wh- questions. Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese (BP) seem to falsify this generalization, as both are non-Pstranding languages that allow P-stranding under… read more
Vicente, Luis 2006 Short negative replies in SpanishLinguistics in the Netherlands 2006, Weijer, Jeroen van de and Bettelou Los (eds.), pp. 199–211 | Article