Stefan Schnell
List of John Benjamins publications for which Stefan Schnell plays a role.
Chapter 9. Are referent introductions sensitive to forward planning in discourse? Evidence from Multi-CAST Discourse Phenomena in Typological Perspective, Barotto, Alessandra and Simone Mattiola (eds.), pp. 231–268 | Chapter
2023 It has been argued that speakers employ morphosyntactic structures such as presentationals and left-dislocations (Lambrecht 1994) to establish new entities in discourse due to considerations of referent accessibility vis-à-vis event processing (Du Bois 1987; Chafe 1987). We here investigate… read more
Cross-linguistic patterns in the lexicalisation of bring and take Studies in Language 46:4, pp. 934–993 | Article
2022 This study investigates the linguistic expression of bring and take events and more generally of the semantic domain of directed caused accompanied motion (‘directed CAM’) across a sample of eight languages of the Pacific and the Americas. Unlike English, the majority of languages in our sample… read more
Caused accompanied motion constructions in Vera’a Caused Accompanied Motion: Bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective, Margetts, Anna, Sonja Riesberg and Birgit Hellwig (eds.), pp. 243–271 | Chapter
2022 The expression of bring and take events (so-called ‘caused accompanied motion (CAM)’ events) in the Oceanic language Vera’a (North Vanuatu) is analysed in terms of lexical and constructional compositionality. The two lexical verbs centrally involved in CAM expressions have fairly general… read more
Variable number marking in Vera’a: Animacy and beyond Asia-Pacific Language Variation 5:2, pp. 208–243 | Article
2019 The number interpretation of Noun Phrase structures (NPs) with different animacy values and variable overt marking of number is investigated in a corpus from the Oceanic language Vera’a. It is found that number marking is optional for all nouns and that number marking is essentially semantic,… read more