Danielle Candel

List of John Benjamins publications for which Danielle Candel plays a role.


This chapter introduces Terminology as presented by Wüster, based on his writing as well as on unpublished notes and letters. First an engineer specialized in sawing and woodworking tools, Wüster became interested in language, and lectured at the University of Vienna in Lexicology, Lexicography,… read more
Calberg-Challot, Marie, Danielle Candel, Didier Bourigault, Xavier Dumont, John Humbley et Jacques Joseph 2008 Une analyse méthodique pour l’extraction terminologique dans le domaine du nucléaireTerminology 14:2, pp. 183–203 | Article
This article describes an evaluation of the Syntex tool used to define a terminology reference frame base for building a new dictionary. This tool is then used in an experiment in which technical terms are extracted from different corpora. These terms belong to the sub-domains “Fuel” and “Reactors”… read more
The aim of this study is to point out some characteristics of prescriptivism and their links to descriptivism. We first analyse the representation of how specialized vocabulary, scientific and technical words should be used, according to Biscarrat’s dictionary (1835): we uncover a typology of terms… read more