Thi Thuy Minh Nguyen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Thi Thuy Minh Nguyen plays a role.


Nguyen, Thi Thuy Minh and Thi Thanh Thuy Pham 2023 Chapter 10. Skill acquisition based approach to teaching L2 pragmaticsL2 Pragmatics in Action: Teachers, learners and the teaching-learning interaction process, Martínez-Flor, Alicia, Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández and Júlia Barón (eds.), pp. 243–266 | Chapter
Skill Acquisition Theory describes second language (L2) learning as a gradual transition from effortful use to more automatic use of L2 knowledge, as a result of deliberate and systematic practice. In this chapter, we address the skill-acquisition based approach to teaching L2 pragmatics by first… read more
Nguyen, Thi Thuy Minh and Thi Thanh Thuy Pham 2021 Chapter 2. L2 emails of complaints: Strategy use by low and high proficiency learners of English as a foreign languageEmail Pragmatics and Second Language Learners, Economidou-Kogetsidis, Maria, Milica Savić and Nicola Halenko (eds.), pp. 41–70 | Chapter
In this chapter, we analysed the emails of complaints written by 48 low- and high-proficiency Vietnamese EFL learners when communicating with different audiences. The emails were elicited by means of a computerised discourse completion task developed by an international testing organisation. To… read more
This article reports an eight-month investigation into the long-term impact of explicit instruction on the learnability of different aspects of email requests by a group of Vietnamese university students. Two intact classes were randomly assigned to the treatment (N = 13) and control conditions… read more
Nguyen, Thi Thuy Minh and Gia Anh Le Ho 2013 Requests and politeness in Vietnamese as a native languagePragmatics 23:4, pp. 685–714 | Article
This study examines requests in Vietnamese, a much under-researched language, with a view to expanding the range of languages under inquiry. Open role-plays in six scenarios with differing social power and perceived imposition levels were used to elicit requests from nine Vietnamese native… read more
Nguyen, Thi Thuy Minh 2005 Pragmatic development in L2 use of criticisms: A case of Vietnamese EFL learnersEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 5 (2005), Foster-Cohen, Susan H., María del Pilar García Mayo and Jasone Cenoz (eds.), pp. 163–194 | Article
This paper presents a study of the development of L2 pragmatic competence in the speech act of criticisms. Data were collected from three proficiency groups of Vietnamese foreign language learners of English via a conversation elicitation task and a written questionnaire. An interview was also… read more