Alain Bert-Erboul

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alain Bert-Erboul plays a role.


Bernicot, Josie, Antonine Goumi, Alain Bert-Erboul and Olga Volckaert-Legrier 2018 Chapter 13. Texting by 12-year-olds: Features shared with spoken languageSources of Variation in First Language Acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners, Hickmann, Maya †, Edy Veneziano and Harriet Jisa (eds.), pp. 265–284 | Chapter
The objective of this chapter is to investigate the development and use of the texting register. Our hypothesis is that this language register shares features with spoken language. In contrast to traditional writing, texting language is not the result of explicit academic instruction. Rather, it is… read more
Bernicot, Josie, Olga Volckaert-Legrier, Antonine Goumi and Alain Bert-Erboul 2014 SMS experience and textisms in young adolescents: Presentation of a longitudinally collected corpusSMS Communication: A linguistic approach, Cougnon, Louise-Amélie and Cédrick Fairon (eds.), pp. 29–45 | Article
The aim of this paper was to study the characteristics of SMSes in a population for which there is currently only limited data: young adolescents (girls and boys) between 11 and 12 years of age. The analysis focused on a corpus of 4,524 SMSes sent by 19 informants in everyday real-life situations… read more
Bernicot, Josie, Olga Volckaert-Legrier, Antonine Goumi and Alain Bert-Erboul 2012 SMS experience and textisms in young adolescents: Presentation of a longitudinally collected corpusSMS Communication: A linguistic approach, Cougnon, Louise-Amélie and Cédrick Fairon (eds.), pp. 181–198 | Article
The aim of this paper was to study the characteristics of SMSes in a population for which there is currently only limited data: young adolescents (girls and boys) between 11 and 12 years of age. The analysis focused on a corpus of 4,524 SMSes sent by 19 informants in everyday real-life situations… read more