Isabelle Lorge

List of John Benjamins publications for which Isabelle Lorge plays a role.


Children who grow up exposed to more than one language face a range of challenges and developmental environments which differ from those of monolinguals. Recently, studies have suggested that this may lead to differences in the development of pragmatic skills and sensitivity to socio-pragmatic… read more
Lorge, Isabelle and Napoleon Katsos 2019 Listener-adapted speech: Bilinguals adapt in a more sensitive wayLinguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 9:3, pp. 376–397 | Article
While a significant amount of research has focussed on whether bilingualism bestows advantages in cognitive skills, perspective-taking and Theory of Mind, less is known about the effect of bilingualism in communicative tasks where these and related skills may be called for. This study examines… read more