Marc-Olivier Hinzelin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marc-Olivier Hinzelin plays a role.


Inflection and Word Formation in Romance Languages

Edited by Sascha Gaglia and Marc-Olivier Hinzelin

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 186] 2012. vii, 400 pp.
Subjects Morphology | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics


Hinzelin, Marc-Olivier 2012 Verb morphology gone astray: Syncretism patterns in Gallo-RomanceInflection and Word Formation in Romance Languages, Gaglia, Sascha and Marc-Olivier Hinzelin (eds.), pp. 55–82 | Article
This article explores the phenomenon of syncretism in Gallo-Romance varieties from the perspective of the Autonomy of Morphology. Synchronically, syncretism is neither motivated by phonology nor by syntax. It is an obvious deviation from the canonical one-to-one relationship between form and… read more
Hinzelin, Marc-Olivier and Sascha Gaglia 2012 Morphological theories, the Autonomy of Morphology, and Romance dataInflection and Word Formation in Romance Languages, Gaglia, Sascha and Marc-Olivier Hinzelin (eds.), pp. 1–26 | Article