Anneli Meurman-Solin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anneli Meurman-Solin plays a role.


Connectives in the History of English

Edited by Ursula Lenker and Anneli Meurman-Solin

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 283] 2007. viii, 318 pp.
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Semantics | Syntax
Lenker, Ursula and Anneli Meurman-Solin 2007 IntroductionConnectives in the History of English, Lenker, Ursula and Anneli Meurman-Solin (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Miscellaneous
Meurman-Solin, Anneli 2007 Relatives as sentence-level connectivesConnectives in the History of English, Lenker, Ursula and Anneli Meurman-Solin (eds.), pp. 255–287 | Article
Meurman-Solin, Anneli 2004 From inventory to typology in English historical dialectologyNew Perspectives on English Historical Linguistics: Selected papers from 12 ICEHL, Glasgow, 21–26 August 2002, Kay, Christian, Simon Horobin and Jeremy J. Smith (eds.), pp. 125–151 | Article
Meurman-Solin, Anneli 2002 The progressive in Older ScotsEnglish Historical Syntax and Morphology: Selected papers from 11 ICEHL, Santiago de Compostela, 7–11 September 2000, Fanego, Teresa, Javier Pérez-Guerra and María José López-Couso (eds.), pp. 203–229 | Article
Meurman-Solin, Anneli 2000 What Aileth Thee, to Print So Curiously? Archaic Forms and Contemporary Newspaper LanguageWriting in Nonstandard English, Taavitsainen, Irma, Gunnel Melchers and Päivi Pahta (eds.), pp. 285–304 | Article
Meurman-Solin, Anneli 1994 On the Evolution of Prose Genres in Older ScotsNOWELE Volume 23 (January 1994), pp. 91–138 | Article