Serge Fleury
List of John Benjamins publications for which Serge Fleury plays a role.
Chapter 17. The distribution of prosodic features in the Rhapsodie corpus: From general observations to discourse characterization Rhapsodie: A prosodic and syntactic treebank for spoken French, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Sylvain Kahane and Paola Pietrandrea (eds.), pp. 315–338 | Chapter
2019 This chapter analyzes the interface between prosodic features and situational variables in the Rhapsodie treebank. First, we provide general quantitative information. Second, we present a preliminary set of statistical analyses performed on six specific prosodic variables, that provides two types… read more
Chapter 15. Exploration of the Rhapsodie corpus: Data structure, formats and query tools Rhapsodie: A prosodic and syntactic treebank for spoken French, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Sylvain Kahane and Paola Pietrandrea (eds.), pp. 271–283 | Chapter
2019 This chapter describes the data structure of the Rhapsodie Treebank and discusses methodological issues stemming from the complexity of this structure, articulated around three independent, non-aligned, hierarchies: Microsyntactic, macrosyntactic and prosodic, and the challenging questions to be… read more