Julio Roca de Larios

List of John Benjamins publications for which Julio Roca de Larios plays a role.


Research Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes

Edited by Rosa M. Manchón and Julio Roca de Larios

[Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 5] 2023. vi, 387 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Writing and literacy
Manchón, Rosa M. and Julio Roca de Larios 2023 Chapter 1. The study of L2 writing processes: Lines and methods of inquiryResearch Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes, Manchón, Rosa M. and Julio Roca de Larios (eds.), pp. 6–31 | Chapter
This introductory chapter serves two main purposes. One is to contextualize the book within the larger professional discussion, which we do through a look-back approach in order to provide a synthetic review of the main lines of research in the study of L2 writing processes and the main research… read more
The main purpose of this chapter is to critically examine a number of methodological issues related to the analysis of L1 and L2 writing processes from a genre-based perspective – a domain of inquiry that has remained largely underdeveloped in the L2 writing research agenda. I discuss the range… read more
Roca de Larios, Julio, Francisco Javier García Hernández and Yvette Coyle 2021 A theoretically-grounded classification of EFL children’s formulation strategies in collaborative writingResearch on EFL learning by young children in Spain, García Mayo, María del Pilar (ed.), pp. 300–336 | Article
Research into collaborative writing (CW) has drawn on the notion of “languaging”, operationalized as language-related episodes (LREs), to account for the way learners pool their ideational and linguistic resources, give and receive immediate feedback on language and, as a result, deepen their… read more
López-Serrano, Sonia, Julio Roca de Larios and Rosa M. Manchón 2020 Chapter 10. Processing output during individual L2 writing tasks: An exploration of depth of processing and the effects of proficiencyWriting and Language Learning: Advancing research agendas, Manchón, Rosa M. (ed.), pp. 231–254 | Chapter
The present study explored the different levels of processing as well as the strategic orientation involved in the language-related episodes identified in the think-aloud protocols produced by 21 EFL writers (divided into three proficiency groups: pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced)… read more
The study reported in this chapter set out to investigate 18 EFL learners’ own perceptions of the language learning potential of L2 writing, and the actions they reported taking to make the most of the learning opportunities afforded by their engagement with writing. Data for the study came from… read more