Sea Hee Choi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sea Hee Choi plays a role.


This paper reports on the production and comprehension of English singular and plural NPs by L2-English learners whose L1, Mandarin Chinese, does not have obligatory plural marking. This study has the following objectives: (1) To systematically investigate both production and comprehension of… read more
This paper examines whether adult learners of English whose native languages (Korean and Mandarin Chinese) lack articles are influenced by transfer from demonstratives and numerals in their acquisition of English articles. To this end, the results of two studies are reported. The first study… read more
This study investigates whether L2-learners from generalized classifier (GC) languages (Korean and Chinese) can acquire the count/mass distinction of English, in the domain of singular NP interpretation. We hypothesize that L1-Korean/Chinese L2-English learners transfer the properties of NP… read more