Cristina Maria Soriano Salinas
List of John Benjamins publications for which Cristina Maria Soriano Salinas plays a role.
The size of shame and pride: Testing metonymy in the figurative representation of moral emotions Living Metaphors and Metonymies, Brdar, Mario and Rita Brdar-Szabó (eds.), pp. 210–230 | Article
2022 We investigate the figurative size (big or small) that more naturally fits the conceptual representation of the moral emotion concepts pride and shame. We hypothesize the pairings pride-big and shame-small to be more natural than their counterparts, because of the emotions’ expressive profile:… read more
Methodological triangulation in the study of emotion: The case of 'anger' in three language groups Applying Cognitive Linguistics: Figurative language in use, constructions and typology, Piquer-Píriz, Ana M. and Rafael Alejo-González (eds.), pp. 73–100 | Article
2018 This chapter explores the value of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) in theinterdisciplinary study of emotion. The insights provided by a quantitative,corpus-based analysis of anger metaphors in three languages (English, Spanish, Russian) are compared to those obtained from two other methodologies… read more
Surprise in the GRID Expressing and Describing Surprise, Celle, Agnès and Laure Lansari (eds.), pp. 173–196 | Article
2017 This paper analyses surprise in the framework of the GRID paradigm as part of a research project on the meaning of emotion words across languages and cultures. Based on psychological component theories of emotion, an online instrument was designed to rate the meaning of 24 emotion terms on 142… read more
Methodological triangulation in the study of emotion: The case of ‘anger’ in three language groups Applying Cognitive Linguistics: Figurative language in use, constructions and typology, Piquer-Píriz, Ana M. and Rafael Alejo-González (eds.), pp. 73–101 | Article
2016 This paper explores the value of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) in the interdisciplinary study of emotion. The insights provided by a quantitative, corpus-based analysis of anger metaphors in three languages (English, Spanish, Russian) are compared to those obtained from two other methodologies… read more
Surprise in the GRID Expressing and Describing Surprise, Celle, Agnès and Laure Lansari (eds.), pp. 436–460 | Article
2015 This paper analyses surprise in the framework of the GRID paradigm as part of a research project on the meaning of emotion words across languages and cultures. Based on psychological component theories of emotion, an online instrument was designed to rate the meaning of 24 emotion terms on 142… read more